Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily
Travelling and tasting

Thick, soft, greasy and delicious temptations. Devilish little doughnut/Debela, mekana, masna i slasna iskušenja…Krafne..Krafnice

I know, it is so boring every time the same sentence, but I am really addicted and I adore doughnut like almost myself! When I was a little girl, my Mum used to bake doughnut and I remember still this beautiful smell and my sticky fingers deep down in this soft dough sprinkled with sugar. I still feel the taste of homemade plum or apricot jam at the corner of my mouth. At the time when I was going to the school, I was regularly visited all Bakeries in my little town and I remember those doughnuts as greasy and mostly with jam. The most important was to discover as soon as possible where you can buy doughnuts with the most of jam in them.

And then, I grew up and become even more childish when we talk about sweets. Three years ago I came to Munich, and could not believe that it is possible to find so a large selection of doughnuts in January and February. I was, at the first moment, speechless. I just stared with delight at the bakery window as in the brightest jewelry store! My degustation these delicious, thick, not a bit greasy, jewels lasts for three years. So, let’s go for a ride.

The Classic in the bakery Ihle   http://www.ihle.de/


Classic is eternal, like the small black dress. So are the doughnuts, classical thickness and volume with a small hole on the side, through which different cream is poured. Doughnuts in the bakery Ihle are excellent, not greasy, not dry, big as they are supposed to be, and you can choose quite a lot of different tastes. At the top of it, they gave every year Buy 4 get one Free….ooo boy, that is my favorite doughnut shop!

My favorite doughnut is Libeskrapfen (Love doughnut). No, I am not in love. And this doughnut do not remind me to some forgotten guy.


So simple and gentle in its pink-white color with a little heart at the top as if it calls for sin. And then you cut it in a half and suddenly you got surprise…the most delicious custard mixed with raspberry jam…it is like you did bite the heaven…. Soft dough with the exact amount of cream you need for perfect pleasure.

Eierlikör, Egg liqueur Doughnut. I know. It does not sound delicious, but it is just perfect! Don’t worry, it does not taste like omelet, fried egg or raw eggs.


It is creamy vanilla custard which is delicately flavored with Egg liqueur. Glazed at the top with sugar and egg liqueur. Just stick your fingers in it!

Bienenstichkrapfen or Hive Doughnut. Simple Doughnut with neutral flavor cream. At the top you can find lots of little pieces of almonds mixed with jam…slightly crunchy…delicious…sticky fingers…


 Mandeltraumkrapfen, Doughnut with almond custard cream, smooth and creamy texture. Slightly bitter taste that relieves sweetness of donuts. A thick icing at the top is not too sweet, reminiscent of a thin layer of fine cream.


And classic of all classics…Doughnut with jam…mixed berry jam. Nothing more to say.


Tips & Tricks – The most important to know how to eat those classic in order to enjoy 100% is to start cutting them in a half exactly where those little hole is, at the side. So you can have the right amount of cream at the both side of Doughnut, you do not need to mess around with a knife trying to make balance of cream left and right (so annoying, right?) !


And then, I discovered Rischart, bakery and pastry shop (https://www.rischart.de/). My eyes were bigger then Doughnut, I just simple stared at them before I did find right words to order them. I wanted to buy two, but very, very kind Saleswoman did suggest to me – if I buy four I am going to have them nicely packed in a beautiful box. And I really like beautiful boxes. And so I bought four. Although one costs 2,60 eur, which is pricy for a Doughnut (but not for those, believe me). I did not even blink, I felt that I won lottery. Me, not this very, very kind Saleswoman. I carried this beautiful box home so proud and carefully like I am having eggs in it or wedding cake! Finally I came home, and I just realize that I have a problem…which one is going to be first? Well, all at once. Why and how? So, let’s see…


At the beginning, we have to clear up something – those are XXL Doughnuts. Why? They just cut them in half, like a burger bun, and they pour generous amount of delicious cream, jam, fruits, chocolate….you name it. Just looking at them you keep smiling, but trying them it is just another level. They are so elegant in its XXL volume, you cannot simply bite them, you need to cut them with a knife, gently like the most beautiful and elegant cake.

When we talk about Burger, let’s see what Rischart have to say:

Delicious Himburger (Raspberry Burger) has a taste of fresh fruits. Raspberries. Freshly picked in the garden. But really.


I was delighted, and honestly, they would be great in spring, when we are switching from winter way of eating on lighter way of eating. That this transition is not too painful, we need to achieve balance with these Doughnuts. But be careful, because this balance has 317 kcl, I really do not need you reply in summer, like *?&%$#“#$%!

One more balance Doughnuts from Rischart carnival collection – Schwarzwälder Doughnut.


Simple combination of sweet and juicy cherries, light vanilla cream and belgian chocolate. It is like a Schwarzwälder cake but small version. Even though, I cannot say in one bite, but certainly the true mini cake.

Germknödel Doughnut, my favorite! Blue plums mousse in the embrace of custard and poppy are the magic inside of this Doughnut.


And at the top of Doughnut is generous layer of poppy and powdered sugar mixture. I almost thought I am eating noodles with poppy seeds (my childhood delicacy)!

Schoko-Bananen-Krapfen (Chocolate-Banana Doughnut) is stuffed with vanilla cream enriched by flavored bananas, enhanced with chocolate whipped cream and banana chunks….like one of tasty dessert – Banana Split! Tastes great, and it gives satiated feeling like a big piece of cake. For all insatiable hedonists it is very important to mention – this Doughnut is very healthy because of fresh bananas and magnesium that we all need on a daily basis. 298 kcl. It is a peanut!


I did not resist their rich Eierlikör (Egg liqueur) Doughnut, this soft and puffy dough whose halves are coupled with delicious vanilla custard and egg liquor. Feel free to stick your fingers in sugar glaze at the top of Doughnut and do not be surprise with a large amount of roughly chopped white chocolate. 361 kcl breathability. Priceless!



– In my neighborhood is a sweet little Café Richter with Pastry Chef Christian Asemann who is making sweet miracle with mini cakes and about that certainly some other time (http://www.cafe-richter.de/). Today, I am writing about Doughnuts, simplicity and eternal classics by Richter.


For a very special occasion is Marc de Champagne Doughnut. Generously filled with exquisite vanilla cream and enriched with a decent quantity of Marc de Champagne.


Dough is very fine, tasty and not a bit greasy or dry. But, with a first bite, I experienced the shock disbelief! I was looking for a little hole at the side through which the cream is supposed to be poured, but it was not there! I was just ready to go back to the Richter and complain, but then…my hungry eyes spotted…they really have their way of pouring cream inside, not through the hole at the side like Ihle or cutting in a half like Rischart, but having a little hole at the bottom of the Doughnut.


That means, you can cut it however you want, you will still have the same amount of cream or jam at the both sides. Clever!

The Chocolate One is a real treat. I think it is the best quality Chocolate mixed with nougat because it is so rich in taste that you cannot stop eating! I was just biting and biting trying to find out what it is so irresistible in it, but at the end I was licking my fingers and was waiting for Monday to buy one more to continue searching!


Let’s be honest, it is more like Vanilla custard cream Knot instead of Doughnut, but it does not matter, so long it is delicious and taste like a Doughnut. Not less important to mention, it seems to be bigger as classic shape of Doughnut and I really do not complain! Lots of custard inside, light and tasty, with decent amount of sugar and I could swear a little bit of cinnamon at the top (but hey, I am an incurable hedonist, and I can imagine…o yes, I can).


So, what kind of Doughnuts are you eating? What is your favorite flavor, cream, jam…Share with us some pics and thoughts….I am curious…


Croatian version-

Znam da je već dosadno početi priču istom rečenicom, ali ja sam zaista ovisna i obožavam Krafne do neba i nazad! U djetinjstvu mi je mama pekla krafne i sjećam se toga mirisa i ljepljivih prstića zakopanih u meko tijesto posuto šećerom u prahu dok se domaći pekmez od šljiva ili kajsija lijepio za kutove usana. Kada sam krenula u školu počele su redovite posjete pekarnicama i tih krafni sjećam se kao malo masnijih i uglavnom s pekmezom, a najbitnije je bilo što prije otkriti u kojoj pekarnici se prodaju krafne s najviše fila.

A onda sam odrasla i još više podjetinjila pa sam, u srednjim godinama, potpuno u nevjerici da postoje krafne s toliko različitih filova tijekom siječnja i veljače u Münchenu, od oduševljenja neko vrijeme samo buljila u izloge slastičarni i pekarnica kao u najsjajniju draguljarnicu! A degustacija tih slasnih, nimalo masnih, debelih dragulja traje već treću godinu….pa krenimo na put.

Klasičari u pekarnici Ihle. http://www.ihle.de/


Klasika je vječna, kao i mala crna haljina tako i krafne klasične debljine i obima s rupicom sa strane kroz koju se ubacuje fil. U Ihle su krafne izvrsne, ni masne ni suhe, idealne veličine i dobrog izbora. A kao i svakoj ženi koja uživa isključivo u off line šopingu iliti vidim-probam-kupim, najveća sreća je što svake godine imaju akciju 4+1 (kupiš 4, jednu dobiješ gratis).

Moja najdraža je Libeskrapfen (ljubavna krafna). Ne, nisam zaljubljena niti me podsjeća na bilo kojeg zaboravljenog lika. Jednostavno tako nježna, rozo-bijela sa srčekom u sredini, poziva te na grijeh.


Pa kad je prerežeš po sredini i iznenadi te prefina krema od vanilije uz dodatak pekmeza od malina…kao da si zagrizao u sami oblak. Lagano tijesto, kreme taman koliko treba.

Eierlikör, s likerom od jaja. Znam, ne zvuči baš primamljivo, ali okus je odličan. Ni najmanje ne podsjeća na jaja na oko, kajganu ili omlet.


Nježni okus likera i lagana krema. Glazirano na gornjem dijelu kako bi se pojačao okus. Drugo mjesto.

Bienenstichkrapfen ili u prijevodu košnica, pčelinjak. Jednostavna s laganom kremom pomalo neutralna okusa. Na gornjem dijelu komadići badema pomiješani s pekmezom…za prste polizati!


Mandeltraumkrapfen, krafne s kremom od badema i šlaga s par cijelih badema na mašnici od šlaga. Blago gorkasti okus koji ublažava slatkoću krafne. Gusta šećerna glazura nije nimalo preslatka i više podsjeća na tanki sloj fine kreme.


I klasik svih klasika..Krafna s pekmezom..pekmezom od miješanog bobičastog voća. Ništa za dodati ništa za oduzeti.


Tip&Trik – Najbitnije za 100% užitak kod ovih klasičara je da ih nožem prepolovite počevši od rupice gdje se pune krafne, bočno. Tako se dobiva idealna količina kreme u svakoj polovici i nema živciranja i gubljenja vremena na raspoređivanje kreme po cijelome tijestu.


A onda sam otkrila slastičarnu Rischart.https://www.rischart.de/..oči su mi bile veće od krafni..jednostavno sam buljila u njih..i skoro počela mucati od uzbuđenja dok sam naručivala. Htjela sam kupiti dvije, ali prodavačica mi je ljubazno sugerirala da ako kupim četiri, dobijem ih lijepo zapakirane u kutiji. A ja volim lijepo. I kupim četiri. Iako jedna košta 2,60 eur, nisam ni trepnula, kao da sam na lotu dobila. Ja. Ne ona ljubazna prodavačica. Nosila sam kutiju na rukama kao da nosim jaja ili svadbenu tortu (svoju jel). Došla doma pa otvorim, gledam, mjerkam ih, s kojom početi? Sa svima, odjednom. Kako i zašto? Pa poslušajte…


Dakle to su XXL krafne. Zašto? E pa lijepo ih prerežu, poput peciva za hamburger i onda oooobilato namažu filom. Prefinim filovima od kojih mi sline cure samo na pogled, a tek na okus….Toliko su elegantne u tom svom XXL obimu da ih je nemoguće zagristi i jesti poput običnih krafni. Ove jednostavno žude za nožem, da ih nježno nareže poput najelegantnije torte.

Kad smo već kod hamburgera krenimo s njihovom inačicom:

Predobra krafna Himburger (Malina burger) ima okus svježeg voća. Malina. Netom ubranih iz vrta. Ali zaista.


Ja sam se oduševila i bile bi idealne u proljeće, kada krećemo sa zimskog načina prehrane na proljetni. I da prijelaz ne bude bolan, nikako naglo sa sarmi na voće. Balans postići krafnama, ali pažljivo, ovaj balans ima 317 kcl, a ne da mi poslije pišete s *?&%$#“#$%!

Još jedna balans krafna iz kolekcije Fašnik kod Rischarta – Schwarzwälder krafna. Jednostavna kombinacija slatkih i sočnih višanja, lagane kreme i belgijske čokolade na gornjem dijelu krafne.


Schwarzwälder torta u malom, ne mogu reći u jednom zalogaju, ali svakako prava mini torta.

Germknödel krafna, moj favorit! Mousse od plavih šljiva u zagrljaju s laganom kremom aromatiziranom vanilijom i makom krasi unutrašnjost krafne. A na gornjem dijelu slasno i raskošno premazana je kombinacijom maka i šećera u prahu. Hm…skoro pa da pomisliš da jedeš rezance s makom.


Schoko-Bananen-Krapfen (Čoko banane krafna) punjena je vanilija kremom obogaćenom banana okusom te pojačana šlagom od čokolade i komadima banane…prva pomisao banana split! Odličnog okusa, a jedna krafna je zasitna poput jednog komada torte.


Ne manje bitno za napomenuti – vrlo je zdrava zbog banana i magnezija koji je tako potreban nama sportašima. Na dnevnoj bazi! 298 kcl. Prava sitnica.

Nisam odoljela ni njihovoj bogatoj Eierlikör krafni, tom mekanom i prozračnom tijestu čije su polovice sljubljene laganom kremom okusa vanilije i likera od jaja. Prstiće slobodno čvrsto zalijepite na glazuru od šećera s grubo narezanom bijelom čokoladom. 361 kcl prozračnosti. Neprocjenjivo!



U mome susjedstvu u Münchenu nalazi se jedan mali slatki Caffe Richter u kojemu slatka iznenađenja stvara majstor konditor Christian Asemann i o njegovim  mini slatkim kreacijama stiže posebna priča (http://www.cafe-richter.de/ ). Danas ipak idemo dalje s krafnama koje kod Richtera odišu jednostavnošću i vječnom klasikom.


Za specijalne prilike preporučila bih Marc de Champagne krafnu. Bogato napunjena odličnom kremom od vanilije aromatiziranom pristojnom količinom Marc de Champagne. Tijesti je mekano, sočno, nimalo masno niti suho.


Jedući ovu krafnu ipak sam proživjela lagani šok i nevjericu! Naime, kako zaista nisu debele niti prevelike, odlučila sam ih jesti pravo domaći, griz po griz. I tako tražim onu rupicu sa strane gdje se puni fil da procijenim gdje zagristi i nema je. Ok, ja zagrizem i šok…nema fila!!!! Okrećem krafnu, gledam, već se spremam reklamirati je kad ono gle ideje…rupica je s donje strane.


I tu se puni krafna filom. Što znači da je nožem prerežeš u bilo kojem smjeru i uvijek dobileš dvije polovice jednako napunjene filom. Pa zar to nije sjajno!!!

Nezaobilazna Čokoladna krafna u njihovoj izvedbi je pravi doživljaj. Mislim da je unutra samo najbolja čokolada obogaćena prefinim nougatom jer je okus toliko čokoladno bogat da jednostavno ne možeš prestati jesti! Grickala sam i tipkala, grickala i tipkala pokušavajući opisati što je to tako neodoljivo u njezinom okusu, ali na kraju sam polizala prstiće i odlučila u ponedjeljak kupiti još jednu kako bi nastavila istraživački projekt!


Da budem iskrena, ova krafna (Čvor s vanilija kremom) me posebno privukla svojim neobičnim izgledom, a punjena je laganom i prozračnom vanilija kremom. Ok, da budem brutalno iskrena, privukla me svojom veličinom he, he. Na količini kreme nisu štedjeli, na moju radost, a šećer na kraju je lagani šećerni sloj na površini krafne, a mogla bih se zakleti da je bilo i cimeta u tom čarobnom sloju koji se tako sjajno uklopio u ovu jednostavnu klasičnu kombinaciju krafne.


O krafnama se može pisati i pisati..tek u veljači dolaze novi okusi kada je vrhunac karnevala ili fašnika…pa možda se nakratko vratimo na temu….

Do tada….koji okus je tebi najdraži? Koju kremu voliš? Podijeli s nama koju fotku…baš me zanima…


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