This warm, satiny emulsion called hollandaise sauce, which is poured over the top of al dente cooked Asparagus is perfectly match with simply boiled small potatoes with little bit of olive oil and parsley. It’s often thought that silky hollandaise is something complicated, but it’s actually incredibly simple to make at home.
Potatoes, small
Olive oil and parsley fresh
Asparagus white
Cherry tomatoes
For hollandaise sauce:
5 egg yolks
Little bit of wine and lemon juice
Salt, sugar, pepper and paprika powder
If needed more lemon juice
Melted butter 150-200g
Put the bowl of egg yolks over a pan of gently simmering water. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of wine. Whisk together well. Gradually add small splashes of butter to the bowl with the yolks, whisking well between each addition.
Once all the butter is incorporated you should have a smooth, thickened sauce. Loosen the mixture with some lemon juice if needed.
Let’s make it:
Boil potatoes with skin, peel off, and before serving, make them warm in a pan with olive oil. Potatoes should not become brown color. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Pour olive oil over two-three cherry tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and bake it shortly on 180C.
Peel Asparagus (white), start two-three fingers below the top and peel to the end part of asparagus. Cut about 2 cm of lower part. In boiling water put salt, sugar and lemon juice and boil asparagus for a short time.
Take care that they stay al dente. Pour all over Asparagus warm hollandaise sauce.
-Croatian version-
Jedan od nama dražih klasika u sezoni šparoga – šparoge, kuhani prumpir s malo maslinovog ulja i svježeg peršina uz topli hollandaise umak. Jednostavno i brzo, a traži se još…pa krenimo:
Krumpiri, proljetni, manji
Maslinovo ulje i peršin
Bijele šparoge
Mini rajčice
Za Hollandaise:
5 žumanjaka
Malo vina i limunovog soka
Sol, šećer, papar i paprika u prahu
Po potrebi još malo limunovog soka
Otopljeni maslac 150-200g
Krumpire skuhati u kori, oguliti te prije serviranja podgrijati u tavici s malo maslinovog ulja. Paziti da se krumpiri ne zapeku. Posuti kosanim peršinom. Par mini rajčica na grančici preliti maslinovim uljem, posuti sa soli i kratko peći na 180C.
Bijele šparoge oguliti, početi dva-tri prsta ispod vrha šparoga i guliti skroz do dole.
Odrezati jedan dio donjeg dijela (oko 2 cm). U provrelu vodu sa soli, šećerom i limunovim sokom kratko kuhati šparoge, paziti da se ne prekuhaju.
Za hollandaise: žumanjke sa malo bijelog vina i limunovog soka lupati na pari dok ne dobijete srednje gustu prozračnu masu.
Pažljivo dodavati otopljeni maslac, prvo u vrlo tankom mlazu i miješati. Kada se smjese sjedine, maslac se može brže sipati.
I uživajte u klasiku proljeća :)…..