4 egg whites
Smoked salmon
Spinach (fresh)
Cherry tomatoes (different colors)
Coarse ground pepper
Deco: Sprouts, cherry tomatoes
Wash tomatoes and cut to 1/6. Wash spinach and cut in wide stripes as well as smoked salmon. Melt the butter in omelette pan and cook shortly tomatoes and spinach.
After approximately minute and a half add smoked salmon and season with pepper.
Beat egg whites and add in the omelette pan, carefully stir with other ingredients and cook omelette until browned underneath. If you like more color at the top of omelette, preheat oven, grill function, on 180C, and bake it shortly with the oven door open.
-Croatian version-
4 bjelanjka
Dimljeni losos
Svježi špinat
Mini rajčice raznih boja
Grubo mljeveni papar
Klice za dekoraciju
Rajčice oprati i nasjeći na 1/6, špinat oprati i narezati na šire rezance, losos također narezati na šire rezance. U tavici otopiti maslac i kratko prodinstati rajčice i špinat.
Čim špitat počne da vene dodati losos i vrlo kratko prodinstati te začiniti paprom.
Bjelanjke kratko pjenjačom izmutiti i dodati u tavicu te lagano špatulom sjediniti bjelanjak s ostalim sastojcima i ispeći omlet do kraja. Po potrebi se tavica može kratko staviti u otvorenu pećnicu prethodno zagrijanu na 180C, ali samo gornji dio, ako volite malo više boje na gornjem dijelu omleta.