For Easter mood this simple soup for body and soul….with fresh horseradish in the mail role. For the long time I did not eat horseradish, not even for Easter, because of its spicy taste. But, with lots of different white root vegetables and simple spices which let horseradish in a mail role, the whole taste of it is very delicious.
Without milk, cooking cream and butter this soup is real delicacy for vegan lovers, and with little bit of smoked Solomon it is elegant vegetarian dish. Density of soup gives different root vegetables of course white, and with all respect I can say that it is winter healthy super food. I used last piece of my delicious beetroot bread (recipe is on the blog) to make croutons and monotony of white soup is broken with green herbs and pink color of smoked Solomon.
200-300g fresh horseradish, finely grated
2 pieces of parsley root cut in small cubes
2 pieces of parsnip cut in small cubes
½ medium big celery root cut in small cubes
½ of onion, finely chopped
1 apple, grated
1 leek, white part only, finely cut in streaks
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Croutons from Beet root bread
Some green herbs and little bit of grated horseradish
Smoked Solomon
Chives, finely chopped
Let’s cook:
Preheat oil in a pot and sauté onion. Add cut vegetables and sauté shortly, add water and grated apple and let it cook.
Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper and cook until vegetables soft is.
Mix cooked vegetables and strain through sieve.
Warm up strained soup and season with nutmeg, salt and pepper as needed.
Soup Vegan: For beetroot croutons cut beetroot bread in small cubes and bake then in small frying pan with little bit of olive oil until crispy.
Use them as decoration for the soup with some green herbs and grated horseradish.
Soup Vegetarian: With croutons serve some smoked Solomon, separate or cover pieces of bread with Solomon. Sprinkle little bit of finely chopped chives.
-Croatian version-
Ususret Uskrsu jedna jednostavna juha koja grije dušu i tijelo jer je glavni sastojak svježi hren. Dugo sam se borila prihvatiti hren u prehrani, čak ga ni za Uskrs nisam jela, bio mi je nekako uvijek jako ljut. Međutim, uz dodatak raznog povrća i jednostavnih začina, svježi hren poprima jednu posebnu notu. Bez mlijeka, vrhnja za kuhanje i maslaca ova juha je prava delicija za vegane, a uz dodatak dimljenog lososa pretvara se u elegantno vegetarijansko jelo. Gustoću juhi daju različito korjenasto povrće, naravno bijele boje i s pravom ova juha nosi epitet zimske, zdrave bombe :). Iskoristila sam posljednji komadić prefinog kruha od cikle (recept je na blogu) za croutonse te monotoniju bijele boje juhe razbila dodatkom zelenih klica i dimljenog lososa nježno ružičaste boje.
200-300g svježeg hrena, naribano na sitniji ribež
2 kom korijena peršina narezana na manje kocke
2 kom pastrnaka narezana na manje kocke
½ srednje velike glave celera, narezana na manje kocke
Pola glavice luka, sitno nasjeckano
1 jabuka, naribana
Bijeli dio jednog poriluka, prerezati napola te narezati na tanke rezance
Malo maslinovog ulja
Muškatni orah
Sol i papar
Croutons od kruha od cikle
Klice i malo ribanog svježeg hrena za dekoraciju
Dimljeni losos
Sitno sjeckani vlasac
Zagrijati ulje i kratko prodinstati luk. Dodati narezano povrće i kratko dinstati, dodati vodu i naribanu jabuku te ostaviti da se kuha.
Začiniti muškatnim orahom, soli i paprom te kuhati dok povrće ne omekani.
Purirati povrće te procijediti kroz sitno cjedilo, pomoću pjenjače dobro iscijediti svu tekućinu iz povrća. Procijeđenu juhu vratiti na štednjak, zagrijati te po potrebi začiniti.
Juha Vegan: Narezati kruh od cikle na sitnije kockice te na malo zagrijanog maslinovog ulja prepržiti na tavici. Dekorirati juhu te dodati malo zelene krese i krupnije ribanog svježeg hrena.
Juha Vegy: Pored croutonsa servirati malo dimljenog lososa ili dimljeni losos omotati oko komadića kruha te ukrasiti sitno rezanim vlascem.