When people ask me what is my favourite food, I need to think twice. Sometimes my eyes are bigger than my stomach and my excitement starts with a nice served plate. I am the most happiest in the kitchen, flour, kneeding though is what fullfills me. I cannot imagine kitchen without Olive oil, parsley and garlic. I have a swet tooth so give me anything sweet and you will see me smiling all day. Addicted to bread. There is nothing better then happy friends, their enjoyment is what it makes me thrive even more. As soon as I hear clink of cutlery I feel hungry. One can say that I am always hungry. Pork is one of my favourite meat. I am still young at heart, maybe too young sometimes but I enjoy every bit of it and let the child within me to play, dream and use imagination. I am still looking for my green garden, a table and a bench, cherry tomatoes, cherry tree and lots of sun.
Oh yes…born and bread in Slavonia, sometimes (but really, really sometimes) cheeky and cocky. At the moment I am living in Munich, Germany.
My favorite vehicle is Bicycle, if possible red.
Vinkovci, Croatia, 2016.
Master in Economy, marketing, used to different dress code, suits, high heels, fully manicured nails, in prime age…
I swapped all that for kitchen uniform, flat shoes and cut my long nails short (ooppss that part hurts the most). After 6 years of working in traditional gastronomy of which 4,5 years in 5* hotel as Cook and 1,5 systemgastronomie as Cook and Team mentor, I have learned that stars are only up in the sky and started my own Food Story. In a very relaxing way, looking for those who share similar interets, share their knowledge, experience and being inspired by others but stay unique…as Germans would say Hauptsache-es schmeckt (as long as it tastes nice).
So, fasten your seat belts as we are taking off….
Oktoberfest, Munich, 2016
-Croatian version-
Uvijek se dobro zamislim kada me pitaju što volim jesti. OK, ne baš sve, ali moje oči uvijek prvo jedu. Lijepo servirani tanjur može mi prodati gotovo sve. Najsretnija sam u kuhinji, najradije mijesim tijesto i najviše se radujem brašnu. Ne mogu bez peršina, maslinovog ulja i češnjaka. Ovisna sam o slatkome. I o kruhu. Nema veće sreće nego čuti mmmmmm od zadovoljnih degustatora. Gladna sam gotovo uvijek, čim čujem zvuk žlice i vilice. Svinja mi je jedna od dražih životinja. Još uvijek tražim svoj vrt, s mini rajčicama, začinima, klupom i stolom, suncem i višnjom. I volim budna sanjati. I ne dam djetetu u meni da se prestane igrati.
Ah…da, Slavonka na privremenom radu gdje me miris hrane ponese (trenutno u Munchen, Njemačka). Pozamašnog ega s blagom dozom arogancije po potrebi. Moje omiljeno prijevozno sredstvo je bicikl, po mogućnosti u crvenoj boji.
Vinkovci, 2016.
Magistra ekonomije, uže područje marketing, koja je poslovna odijela, štikle i duge nalakirane nokte, u najboljim godinam, zamijenila kuharskom uniformom, anatomskim ravnim cipelama i kratkim nenalakiranim noktima (uf..ovaj zadnji dio boooli). Nakon 6 godina formalnog kuharstva, rada kao trener, sistemgastronomije i hotela s 5*, naučila sam da su zvijezde samo na nebu i krenula u svoj Foodstory by Inga. Ležerno, tražeći srodne gastro duše, prenoseći miris tradicije, gledajući kako to drugi rade, ohrabrujući kuhanje po svom….Nijemci bi rekli..Hauptsache – es schmeckt (bitno je da je ukusno).
Vežite se…..polijećemo