Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily

The color of season is orange-Red Lentil Pasta/Tjestenina od brašna crvene leće

I really enjoy to make pasta..there is nothing better as fresh homemade pasta…I am trying to use different flour, or to add some spices or colors to the white flour. I would recommend you to try green pea flour – beautiful green color, really discreet taste of peas. Or, active carbon for black pasta. Great color, no specific taste or smell and very effective on the plate. But this time I am going to make pasta from red lentil flour. Because of the most beautiful orange color, intensity is little bit lower after cooking, but it is worth every second of work. It is without specific taste or smell and therefore you can combine this pasta with wide variety of foods (vegetables, fish, meat).



200g red lentil flour

2 eggs

1 spoon oil

salt as nedeed

water as nedeed (if eggs are too small)

Place the flour on a board, make a well in the centre and crack the eggs into it. Add some salt and oil. Using your fingers, mix the eggs with the flour, incorporating a little at a time, until everything is combined. Add little bit of water if needed (if eggs are too small). Knead the pieces of dough together until all bind together to give you one smooth lump of dough. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the fridge to rest for an hour before you use it.


I have at home my mama’s pasta machine and it still makes beautiful homemade pasta! At the beginning, dust your work surface with flour. Take a lump of pasta dough the size of lemon. Press it out flat gently. Roll the lump of pasta dough through the widest setting of pasta machine. If the pasta sticks, lightly dust it with flour. Fold the pasta in half from each side and roll the dough through again. Repeat this process several times, until you get perfect long rectangular shapes and your own pasta smooth as silk is.


Work the pasta dough through all the setting on the machine, from the widest till the narrowest. Lightly dust both sides of the pasta if needed.


When your pasta is rolled the way you like, shape or cut it immediately…pasta dries quickly!

So, you can see here my pasta, the way I like it. Thin, long, beautiful color…they are so magical, I had to take a picture of them several time…let take a moment and enjoy it like I did….


With basil and cherry tomatoes…


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Well, I will give you sneak peek…this Pasta ended in good company of spinach, pioppino mushrooms, homemade semi-dried cherry tomatoes, wild asparagus, white wine…soon the whole recipe and photos …until then…enjoy

-Croatian version-

Obožavam raditi tjesteninu i isprobavati razna brašna. Preporučam brašno od graška – divna zelena boja, diskretan okus na grašak. Ili, aktivni uljen za crnu tjesteninu. Izvrsna boja, neškodljivo za zdravlje, vrlo efektno na tanjuru. Ali, ovaj puta predstavljam tjesteninu od brašna crvene leće, a za nju sam se odlučila zbog prelijepe narančaste boje tjestenine, intenzitet se malo izgubi kuhanjem, iako se kuha vrlo kratko jer se ipak radi o domaćoj, svježe pripremljenoj tjestenini. Nema nikakvog karakterističnog okusa i mirisa te se može pripremati s raznim namirnicama i umacima. U ovom postu samo ću vam kratko prikazati način pripreme same tjestenine, a uskoro i slikice i recept te iste s povrćem u umaku od bijelog vina…



200 g brašna crvene leće

2 jaja

malo soli

jušna žlica ulja

vode po potrebi (ako su jaja premala)

Prosijati brašno, napraviti u sredini udubljenje i staviti dva jaja, malo soli i po želji malo ulja. Zamijesiti kompaktno tijesto, po potrebi dodati malo vode (ako su jaja mala). Zamotati u prianjajuću foliju i ostaviti da miruje pola do jednog sata.


Rukama stisnuti tijesto i izrezati na 4 dijela. Svaki dio prvo provući kroz mašinu za tijesto na broju 1 (ako vam je to najširi dio na valjku mašine). Prvo valjanje dati će prilično neravni pravokutnik pa ga presavijte sa svake strane prema sredini i ponovo pustite kroz valjak mašine, ali sada na broju 2.

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Ponavljajte korak 2 dok ne dobijete fino, ravnomjerno i tanko tijesto. Ja sam ga valjala do širine 6 (maksimalno ih imam 7 na mašini). S time da čim dobijete ravnomjerni pravokutnik, nije potrebno krajeve savijati prema sredini i onda valjati (kao što je navedeno kod prvog valjanja). Mislim da sam na širini 3 dobila pravilnu liniju tijesta i onda sam samo provlačila kroz sve uže i uže.

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Ovako su na kraju moji, po slavonski, rezanci, izgledali. Prekrasna narančasta boja, tanki i dugački.


Morala sam ih još malo ovako svježe poslikati kad su toliko forogenični…pa uživajmo malo u fotkama koje slijede…..U društvu svježeg bosiljka i veselih mini rajčica…..


Bez komentara 🙂


Ok…malo ću ipak otkriti da su završili u dobrom društvu sa špinatom, jablanovačama, domaći sušenim mini rajčicama, divljim šparogama, bijelim vino…..brzo će slikice i recept…do tada….dobar tek 🙂

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