Springtime…colors and smell of healthy dish…this delicious salad with fruits and asparagus, fruit vinaigrette and sprouts call for more…take a bite with me…
Asparagus, green and white
Goat’s cheese in rings
Honey and thyme
Fruit vinaigrette (orange-lemon)
Peel green asparagus (only ¼) and cut hart lower part. Boil shortly in water with salt, sugar and lemon juice. They should be al dente. Peel Asparagus (white), start two-three fingers below the top and peel to the end part of asparagus.
Cut about 2 cm of lower part. In boiling water put salt, sugar and lemon juice and boil, for a short time, asparagus. Take care that they stay al dente. Cut both asparagus in 3cm long pieces. Wash and cut strawberries in rings. Make melon circles with melon baller.
Cut Goat’s cheese in 1cm thick rings and bake them shortly, do not let them melt, they should have only nice color. At the and pour some honey and sprinkle with little bit of Thyme.
Fruit vinaigrette – whisk orange and lemon juice, salt, pepper and honey. Add some olive oil and whisk again. Season if needed.
-Croatian version-
Zelene i bijele šparoge
Kozji sir u kolutovima
Med i timijan
Voćni vinaigrette (narača-limun)
Zelene šparoge oguliti u visini ¼ od donjeg dijela, tvrdi dio odrezati. Kratko prokuhati u proključaloj vodi u koju ste stavili sol, šećer i limunov sok. Bijele šparoge oguliti, početi dva-tri prsta ispod vrha šparoga i guliti skroz do dole.
Odrezati jedan dio donjeg dijela (oko 2 cm). U provrelu vodu sa soli, šećerom i limunovim sokom kratko kuhati šparoge, paziti da se ne prekuhaju. Nasjeći ih na 3cm dužinu. Jagode oprati i nasjeći na kolutove. Od dinje formirati polukugle.
Kozji sir narezati na kolutove debljine 1 cm te na malo ulja popržiti da poprimi boju. Bitno je to odraditi kratko na visokoj temperaturi inače se sir topi. Kada je pečen na jednu stranu staviti malo meda i sitno sjeckani svježi timijan.
Voćni vinaigrette – sok od naranče i limuna, sol, papar i med izmiješati pjenjačom te dodati, paralelno miješajući pjenjačom, maslinovo ulje. Po okusu na kraju začiniti navedenim sastojcima.
Uživajte u laganom i zdravom obroku 🙂