Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily

Chessy Cheeseburger Zdenka / Cheeseburger Zdenka

This tasty, delicious veggie burger was made when I had holiday in my hometown Vinkovci. I was not very motivated to cook or bake because it was 40 C + (really hot summer), but I was inspired by cheese made by Croatian cheese manufacturer Zdenka. Although the offer of groceries in Vinkovci is not so wide, I try to use every opportunity when I am at home in Croatia to prepare something from our local manufacturers…and so this cheesy Cheeseburger can proudly be named as Zdenka…. :).


This is an easy recipe, most of the time you are going to spend by straining out the water from cheese (to get 200g Cheese from 400g). It is not possible to strain water by itself (I left it two days in fridge) and I needed to squeeze it by myself as well (very carefully squeeze gauze with cheese). The most important is to combine all ingredients very gently without kneading them. I did not measure all spices, they have very specific taste and it is better to use less at the beginning and later add some of those you like. If you do not like burger, or you just do not have time to bake a burger bun, I would recommend to prepare this delicious patty with this great grapes ragout and walnuts…with some green salad – combination is very, very yummy!


Burger bun:

300 g mixed flour (150g corn flour and 150g white flour)

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sugar

0,5 pack dried yeast

1 tablespoon honey

25g butter

1 egg

160-170 ml lukewarm water

Mix all dried ingredients separate, add wet ingredients and knead dough. Leave in a warm place to double in volume. Knead shortly again and make balls (for normal size of burger buns make 100g dough, for mini burger, like this Cheeseburger, 70g dough).


Leave balls in a try, cover them and let them rise in a warm place for one hour. Coat with egg yolk and sprinkle with some paprika powder and sesame seeds. I baked big burger buns on 190 C for about 15-17min and little ones for about 12 min, but it is always individual, depends on oven.



400g low fat fresh cheese (from which you need to get 200g)

40g small bread cubes without rind

1 egg yolk

100g hard cheese, grated (Gouda, Emmentaler, etc)

40g brown butter

40g milk

Lemon zest


Cayenne pepper


Fennel seeds, ground


Ground cumin

Put cheese in gauze and let it strain out the water over the night. At the end you should get 200g cottage cheese form original 400g. I had cottage cheese in gauze for two days (in fridge) and after that I had to squeeze by myself little bit in order to get 200g out of 400g cheese.


Put 200g cottage cheese in a bowl, add all other ingredients and mix it easy (do not squeeze to tight, just mix it easy with hands in order to combine all ingredients together). Season as needed with all spices, add them one by one and if you wish add some of them more or less. All spices have very specific taste, so just use them as you like.


After you are finished with seasoning and all ingredients are combined together, leave it in a fridge for one hour.


Make patty, size to suit your burger bun. Place each patty in breadcrumbs and grill it until they get nice color (3-4 minutes each side). The best way to bake them is a grill plate, although I baked them in a frying pan (they were soft, but you just need to handle them carefully). Optional, you can bake the shortly on the grill/pan and then 5-6 minutes in oven. Those patties are perfect with salad and refreshing dressing.

Others for Burger

Any green salad (or rocket)

Double cream with finely chopped parsley

Grapes ragout:

Brown sugar

Red wine

Grape juice



Lemon juice and zest

1 little spoon of cornstarch

Toasted walnuts, finely chopped

Caramelize sugar, pour with red wine and reduce for 2/3. Add grape juice and reduce for ½ (amount of grape juice depends on how much grapes you have and taking into account that you have to reduce juice for ½). Now put grapes (cut in ½ or ¼), season with little bit of salt and lemon zest.


Mix 1 little spoon of cornstarch with grape juice and add in ragout to make it slightly thick. If it is at the end too thick, add some grape juice. If you want to have whole grapes in ragout, cook shortly, only few minutes.

Onion chips:


Buckwheat flour


Ground red pepper, salt

Mix together flour, red pepper and salt. Cut onion into thin slices, put in flour and then in hot oil until onion get nice color and crispy taste.


Sauce for onion chips:

Mix double cream with finely chopped chives, lemon juice and zest. Sprinkle with little bit of ground red pepper.

 Let’s built our Cheesy Cheeseburger

At the bottom of the burger bun spread some double cream with parsley.


Put some salad, ragout, little bit of walnuts, patty, salad, ragout, walnuts and top of the burger bun of course with little bit of double cream with parsley…


-Croatian version-

Ovaj sočni vegeterijanski burger nastao je za vrijeme mog godišnjeg odmora u Vinkovcima. Nisam baš imala puno volje paliti pećnicu na plus 40 C, ali inspirirala me ponuda sira, u ovome slučaju Zdenka sireva. Iako je u Vinkovcima ponuda namirnica prilično skromna, nastojim iskoristiti boravak i pripremiti nešto od lokalnih proizvođača namirnica pa tako ovaj burger može s pravom nositi ime Zdenka….:)


Kod ovog recepta najduže traje tzv. cijeđenje sira jer je od 400 g sira potrebno dobiti 200 g. Teško se iscijedi voda sama od sebe u gazi, ja sam sir dva dana držala da visi iznad posude, ali sam morala i dodatno rukama cijediti suvišnu tekućinu. Najbitnije je sve sastojke nježno povezati rukom, a nikako mijesiti i napraviti kašu. Nisam vagala niti na žličice mjerila začine, kako se vidi iz samoga recepta vrlo su specifičnog okusa i na vama je da dozirate po želji svaki od navedenog. Za sve one koji ne vole burgere ili im se jednostavno ne jede kruh, predlažem da šniclu od sira posluže uz ovaj izvrsni ragu od grožda uz obavezan dodatak tostiranih oraha i malo zelene salate – kombinacija je jednostavno fantastična! U slast!



300 g miješanog brašna (150g kukuruznog brašna i 150g bijelog brašna)

1 čajna žlica soli

1 čajna žlica šećera

pola vrećice suhog kvasca

1 jušna žlica meda

25g maslaca

1 jaje

Oko 160-170 ml mlake vode

Šnicla od sira:

 400g svježeg posnog sira (200g ocijeđenog)

40g kruha na sitne kockice bez ruba

1 žumanjak

100g tvrdog sira, naribanog (Ementaler, Gouda i sl)

40g pročišćenog maslaca (tzv. smeđeg maslaca)

40g mlijeka

Ribana korica limuna


Kajenski papar


Mljeveni komorač

Muškatni oraščić

Mljeveni kim

Sir staviti u gazu ili tkaninu za pasiranje te ostaviti da visi na kuhači iznad posude kako bi se višak tekućine iscijedio. Od navedene količine sira (400g) trebali bi na kraju dobiti 200g ocijeđenog sira. Ja sam držala dva dana u hladnjaku i onda još pomalo cijedila rukama kako bi na kraju dobila 200g sira.


Dodati sve ostale sastojke i polako povezati (ne stiskati jako, tj. ne mijesiti već lagano povezati sastojke rukom). Začiniti navedenim začinima po okusu (začini su vrlo specifičnog okusa i najbolje je da sami odredite koliko kojeg želite staviti), dodavati pomalo i probati te po želji pojačavati količine. Smjesa se može ostaviti sat vremena u hladnjaku da se ohladi te formirati manje šnicle (ovisi o veličini peciva za burger).


Uvaljati u mrvice te peći sa svake strane dok ne dobiju lijepu boju (3-4 minute). Najidealnije je peći na grill ploči, najmanje se lijepi. Ja sam ih pekla u tavi i potrebno je pažljivo i polako ih okretati jer su vrlo mekane. Nakon pečenja brzo postanu kompaktnije. Mogu se također samo kratko zapeći na tavi/grillu i onda 5-6 minuta peći u pećnici. Idealne su uz salatu i osvježavajući dressing.

Ostalo za Burger:

 Salata (zelena po izboru ili rukola)

Vrhnje s peršinom

Ragu od grožđa:

Smeđi šećer

Crno vino

Sok od grožđa



Limunov sok i korica


Tostirani, sitno narezani orasi

Karamelizirati šećer, podliti vinom i reducirati. Dodati sok od grožđa i reducirati na ½. S malo gustina povezati te dodati malo soli. Lagano kuhati 10-tak minuta. Grožđe narezati na ¼ ili ½ i dodati u ragu, a po potrebi koricu i sok od limuna. Kratko kuhati (da se grožđe ne raspadne).

Čips od luka:


Heljdino brašno


Crvena paprika i malo soli

Brašno, crvenu papriku i sol pomiješati. Luk narezati na tanke ploške i uvaljati u smjesu brašna te u vrućem ulju fritirati.


Umak za prilog:

Vrhnje pomiješati sa sitno narezanim vlascem, sokom limuna i koricom.

Slaganje Cheeseburgera

Donju polovicu peciva tanko premazati vrhnjem s peršinom. Staviti salatu, ragu od grožđa, orahe, šniclu od sira, salatu, ragu, orahe i na kraju spojiti s gornjim dijelom burger peciva (čiju ste donju stranu također premazali vrhnjem s peršinom)…servirati uz čips od luka.


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