Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily


I would call it the fat brother of crepe :)…not as it is lots of fat in it, but as it is dick, soft, fluffy and really delicious, almost made like crapes. Simple melted in your mouth. Everybody knows this story about Kaiserschmarrn, Austrian classic, so I am not going to repeat it. But just want to say, it is worth to make it with love and little bit more time as for crepes. They are very delicious with plum mousse as well, but apple mousse is a must as traditional recipe says. Always mix very carefully whisked egg whites with egg yolk mixture, this is important to get later fluffy and soft Kaiserschmarrn. And at the end, but not less important, it must be served fresh baked and warm. Enjoy 🙂


For Kaiserschmarrn:

5 egg yolks

5 egg whites

1,5 soup spoons sugar

3 vanilla sugars

210 g flour

420 ml milk

40g butter

Butter for baking Kaiserschmarrn

Little bit of salt

1 tee spoon of cinnamon

1 vanilla stick

A handful of dried raisins


Zest from 2 lemon

Soak raisins in rum for about 1 hour. Mix well egg white and leave at the side. In another bowl mix well egg yolk with sugar and salt, add lemon zest, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and vanilla stick. At the end add melted butter. You can add little bit more sugar if you like, but when you serve Kaiserschmarrn you will use powder sugar and, so be careful with sugar now. In egg yolk mixture mix carefully egg white (whit whisk or silicone spatula).

Heat little bit of butter in a frying pan and put some of Kaiserschmarrn mixture (about 1cm dick). Bake until it becomes nice color downside, pour some raisins with little bit of rum above and toasted almonds flakes.


With silicon spatula cut Kaiserschmarrn in ¼ and each part carefully turn around to bake it from another side. Cut each part, in the frying pan, in smaller pieces.


Sprinkle still warm Kaiserschmarrn with powder sugar and toasted almond flakes. Decorate with mint leaves and Physalis.


Toasted almonds flakes

Powder sugar

Mint leaves



Apple sauce

6 apples

25g butter

1 soup spoon of brown sugar

50ml white wine

About 1 dl freshly pressed apple juice

Water as needed (about 1-2 dl)

Cinnamon and vanilla stick

About 1 tee spoon nutmeg

About ½ tea spoon ground cinnamon

Lemon juice (1/2 lemon)


Peel apples, cut in smaller pieces and pour lemon juice all over. Melt butter in a frying pan, add apples and sauté shortly. Sprinkle with brown sugar and caramelize. Pour white wine and reduce. Add cinnamon and vanilla sticks (cut vanilla stick and scratch all inside), nutmeg, ground cinnamon and apple juice.


Sauté on a medium heat and add some water if needed until apples are soft. Take cinnamon and vanilla sticks out and mix apples in sauce. If you like more liquid sauce, add more water or apple juice. For Kaiserschmarrn serve warm apple sauce, and the rest put in a jar for tomorrowJ

-Croatian version-

Kaiserschmarrn bih nazvala debljim bratom od meni omiljenih palačinki…ne u smislu da su pune ulja i masnoća…već u sličnosti kod izrade i sastojaka. Razlika je što je Kaiserschmarrn deblji kod pečenja, mekaniji, sočniji i jednostavno se topi u ustima….a to se postiže dobrom izradom bjelanjaka i pažljivom spajanju sa smjesom od žutanjaka. Neću ponavljati toliko puta ispričanu povijest nastanka ovog prefinog deserta, austrijskog klasika izrazito omiljenog u Bavarskoj,  samo ću istaknuti da je vrijedan svake minute pripreme i pečenja. Tradicionalno se servira uz umak od jabuka, iako je vrlo popularan i umak od šljiva. Obavezno se poslužuje svježe pečen i topal…pa uživajte i dobar tek 🙂


5 žutanjka

5 bjelanjka

1,5 žlice šećera

3 vanilin šećer

210 g glatkog brašna

420 ml mlijeka

40g maslaca

Malo maslaca za pečenje drobljenca

Na vrh noža soli

1 kavena žlica cimeta

1 štapić vanilije

Šaka sušenih grožđica

Malo ruma

Korica 2 limuna

Grožđice namočiti u rum i ostaviti oko sat vremena. Bjelanjke čvrsto umutiti mikserom i ostaviti sa strane. U drugoj posudi pjenasto izmutiti žutanjke sa šećerom i soli te dodati koricu limuna, cimet, vanilin šećer i unutrašnjost štapića vanilije. Na kraju dodati otopljeni maslac. Po okusu možete dodati više ili manje šećera. U smjesu pažljivo umiješati bjelanjke (najbolje pomoću pjenjače ili špatule).

U tavici kratko zagrijati maslac te staviti oko 1cm debljine mase da se peče. Kada je s donje strane poprimilo lijepu boju s gornje strane posuti grožđicama (ne cijediti rum previše, neka se malo osjeti u drobljencu) i tostiranim listićima badema. Špatulom prerezati drobljenac na ¼ te svaki dio pažljivo okrenuti da se ispeče i s druge strane. Potom svaki dio špatulom u tavi nasjeći na manje komade.

Topli drobljenac posuti šećerom u prahu i tostiranim listićima badema, po želji listićima mente i physalis (peruanska jagoda)

Za dekoraciju:            

Preprženi listići bademi

Šećer u prahu

Listići mente

Umak od jabuka

6 jabuka

25g maslaca

1 jušna žlica smeđeg šećera

50ml bijelog vina

Oko 1 dcl sviježe cijeđenog soka od jabuka

Po potrebi vode (oko 1-2 dcl)

Štapić cimeta i vanilije

Oko 1 kavene žlice muškatnog oraščića (po okusu začiniti)

Oko ½ kavene žlice mljevenog cimeta (po okusu začiniti)

Sok pola limuna

Jabuke oguliti, narezati na manje komade i pokapati sokom pola limuna da ne potamne. Otopiti maslac u tavi, dodati jabuke i kratko dinstati. Posuti smeđim šećerom i karamelizirati. Podliti bijelim vinom i reducirati. Dodati štapić cimeta i vanilije (posebno ostrugati unutrašnjost vanilije i dodati jabukama, ali i koru vanilije), mljeveni muškatni orah i cimet te sok od jabuke. Na umjerenoj temperaturi dinstati i po potrebi dodavati vodu i začine dok jabuke ne omekšaju. Na kraju izvaditi štapić cimeta i vanilije te purirati jabuke u umak željene gustoće. Za Kaiserschmarrn poslužite topli umak od jabuka, a višak spremite u teglice za sutrašnju reprizu :).

*Količina tekućine (voda i sok od jabuka) ovisi o gustoći umaka koji želite. Shodno tome možda ćete trebati manje ili više tekućine od navedenog u receptu.

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