Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily
Veggies and Salads/Povrće i Salate

Naan with Chickpeas Curry/Naan i Curry od slanutka

My holiday in London three weeks ago open the door of Indian cuisine for me‍, thanks to family Doshi were I was staying 18 years ago. I was babysitting 2 years old Niraj and 5 years old Namishka and today those young, grown up, beautiful people showed me how to make aromatic, rich flavored Naan with coriander, chili and garlic. And their Mum made the most delicious chickpeas curry with all the magic Indian spices. Instead to visit famous shops I enjoyed shopping of Indian spices..in my bag you could find cardamom, mustard and cumin seeds, turmeric, cinnamon, chana, garam and biryani pulao masala. What to say…my dream holiday…full of emotions, memories and new flavors

Chickpeas Curry



1 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 onion

2 cloves of garlic

Little bit of fresh ginger

1 small chili

2 tsp of Chana masala

3 tomatoes

1 tsp of turmeric

½ tsp paprika powder

½ tsp of coriander

3 Bay leafs

Little bit of tomato juice (to get some more red color)

Fresh coriander



2 cans of chickpeas

2 cinnamon sticks



Fry cumin and mustard seeds on little bit of oil until they start to pop. Add onion and garlic, sauté until soft. Sprinkle chana masala and continue to cook. Cut tomatoes (with skin and seeds), chili and ginger in a chopper and add to the onion and spices. Sprinkle turmeric, coriander, bay leafs, little bit of tomato juice and chickpeas. Put the lid on and cook slowly adding some water if needed. I like it to cook it longer at the low heat, as the taste of all those beautiful spices are at the end much aromatic and stronger. After 1 hour taste it and add some more of spices if needed.

* After one hour I added some more of spices as I like Indian dishes very aromatic with stronger flavour. You can start with small quantities and later add some more until you get the taste you like.



½ of fresh yeast

½ tsp of sugar

1 tsp of flour

140 – 150ml warm water

300g strong white flour (I used Italian 00) + some more to dust

1 tsp of salt

5 tbsp of natural yoghurt

3 tbsp butter + extra to dust


Fresh coriander, chopped

Chili, chopped

Garlic, chopped

Melted butter

Making the dough:

Mix yeast, sugar and 4 tsp of warm water and stir well. Leave until it begins to froth.

Put the flour and salt into large bowl. Stir yoghurt and yeast mixture together and pour into flour. Add butter then gradually stir in warm water to make a soft, sticky mixture. Not too sticky but either not dry. Knead for 5 minutes (you can use mixer).Cover and leave until doubled in size.

Put the dough on to the lightly floured surface and divide it in 6-8 balls. Heat a non stick frying pan over a very high heat. Sprinkle every ball with garlic, chili and coriander


and flatten with your fingers, forming Naan. Put it in the hot pan. When it starts to bubble, turn it over and cook until the other side is browned in patches.

Brush with melted butter immediately. If you want to keep them warm, cover them with aluminum foil and keep them in a warm oven.


Croatian version –

Posjet Londonu prije 3 tjedna uveo me u tajne indijske kuhinje..zahvaljujući indijskoj familiji Doshi gdje sam prije 18 godina čuvala danas odrasle, prekrasne mlade ljude Niraja i Namishku. Oni su me uveli u svijet aromatičnog Naan kruha s korijanderom, češnjakom i čilijem, a njihova mama Rashmi u čaroban, aromatičan curry od slanutka. Umjesto suvenira i odjeće, poharala sam indijski dućan…. moj kofer teško se zatvarao zbog predivnih indijskih začina koji su začinili prvo indijsko jelo..pa brzo do bloga gdje vas čeka naan i curry. Godišnji po mom…pun novih okusa, emocija i sjećanja



½ kocke svježeg kvasca

½ kavene žlice šećera

1 kavena žlica brašna

140 – 150ml mlake vode

300g brašna + malo za miješenje tijesta

1 kavena žlica soli

5 jušnih žlica jogurta

3 jušne žlice otopljenog maslaca


Svježi korijander, nasjeckan

Čili paprika nasjeckana na tanke kolutove

Češnjak, sitno nasjeckan

Otopljeni maslac


Pomiješat kvasac, šećer i 1 žlicu brašna s malo mlake vode i ostaviti na toplome da se kvasac aktivira.

Brašno prosijati, dodati sol, otopljeni maslac, kvasac i s mlakom vodom umijesiti tijesto. Ako je premekano, dodati još malo brašna. Prekriti prijanjajućom folijom i kuhinjskom krpom te ostaviti na toplom da se udvostruči.

Od tijesta formirati 6-8 kuglica te ostaviti još 30tak minuta da miruje (prekriveno).

Lagano pobrašniti radnu površinu. Na svaku kuglicu staviti malo korijandera, češnjaka i čilija. Rukama od tijesta formirati naan lepinju te kratko pržiti s obje strane na vrućoj tavi bez masnoće. Odmah premazati s malo otopljenog maslaca.

Curry od slanutka


1 kavena žlica sjemenki kumina

1 kavena žlica sjemenki gorušice

1 luk

2 češnja češnjaka

Komadić svježeg đumbira

1 mala čili papričica

2 kavene žlice chana masala (indijski začin)

3 srednje velike rajčice

1 kavena žlica turmerik začina

½ kavene žlice mljevene crvene paprike

½ kavene žlice mljevenog koriandera

3 lovorova lista

Po potrebi malo pasirane rajčice radi boje

Svježi korijander

Ulje za prženje


2 konzerve slanutka (može se koristiti i suhi)

2 štapića cimeta


Na malo ulja prepržiti sjemenke kumina i gorušnice, dok ne počnu lagano pucketati. Dodati sitno sjeckni luk i češnjak te prodinstati dok ne omekani, a potom i chana masala i kratko sve zajedno dinstati. U sjeckalici usitniti 3 cijele rajčice (s korom i sjemenkama), čili i đumbir te sjediniti s lukom i začinima. Dodati turmerik i koriander u prahu, lovorov list, malo pasirane rajčice i slanutak. Poklopljeno lagano kuhati i po potrebi dodavati vode. Što se duže kuha, začini dolaze jače do izražaja. Nakon sat vremena probati i po želji dodati neki od začina.

*gore navedene količine začina nisu i konačne jer sam nakon sat vremena kuhanja dodavala još pomalo do željenog okusa. Sami odredite jačinu i ljutinu jela.

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