Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily

Fondue with aromatic bread cubes/Fondue s aromatičnom kockicama kruha

Bread cubes

Serving: 3

300g bread flour (Manitoba or white 550, I used yellow white flour 550)

200g water

15g honey

20g olive oil

10g salt

1g dried yeast

1 tbsp of finely chopped fresh herbs (I used dill, chives, parsley and rosemary)

I prepared the dough as no knead dough. Mix all ingredients with hand at the evening, cover and rest at the room temperature (ca 18-20 C) until next day.

In the morning or for a lunch time put the dough carefully on a well, with flour, dusted baking paper. Gently spread dough with your hands at about 1-1,5cm thick. Cover and rest 30 minutes. With dough scraper cut the dough in cubes (see video).

If the dough is very soft, grease the dough scraper with some oil.

Bake in preheated oven (200 C) with a small bowl with water (to create a steam). Bake about 20 minutes, after first 10 minutes remove the bowl with water.

Cover freshly baked bread cubes with kitchen towel in order to stay soft. You can even spray with little bit of water before.


A pack of fondue cheese (400g)

Melt the cheese according to the instructions on the package. Serve immediately.



-Croatian version-

Aromatične kockice kruha

Za 3 osobe

300g brašna (Manitoba, crno ili bijelo 550, ja sam koristila pšenično žutog zrna)

200g vode

15g meda

20g maslinovog ulja

10g soli

1g suhog kvasca

1 jušna žlica sitno rezanih svježih začina (ja sam koristila kopar, vlasac, peršin i ružmarin)

Pripremila sam tijesto na način bez dugotrajnog miješenja (no knead). Navečer pomiješati sve sastojke rukom, prekriti i ostaviti na sobnoj temperaturi (18-20 C) do idućeg dana.

Ujutro ili u podne na papiru za pečenje posutim brašnom pažljivo rukama razvući tijesto debljine 1-1,5cm debljine. Porkiti i ostaviti da miruje 30 minuta. Uz pomoć strugača/rezača za tijesto kreirajte kocke na tijestu (pogledaj video). Ako je tijesto mekano i lijepi se, premažite stranice strugača uljem.



Peći u prethodno zagrijanoj pećnici na 200 C s malom zdjelicom u koju stavite vodu da dobijete paru kod pečenja. Peći otprilike 20 minuta pri čemu nakon 10 minuta uklonite posudicu s vodom iz pećnice. Dužina pečenja i temperatura ovisi o pećnici.

Svježe pečeni kruh prekriti krpom da ostane mekan, a možete ga i malo pošpricati s vodom prije nego ga prekrijete.


Paket sira za fondue (400g)

Otopiti sir prema uputi na pakiranju. Servirati vruće.








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