Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily
Veggies and Salads/Povrće i Salate

Beetroot Avocado salad/Salata od cikle i avokada

The Queen of winter, but not a favorite vegetable for many, even extremely healthy. It can be prepared in many different ways, as soup, salad, bread, pasta, gnocchi, juice, spread…you name it. My proposal today is…the earthy beets, the sweetness of mandarins, the creamy avocado, the crunchy, toasted pistachios. It is simple and easy, yet elegant and refined. And all with only few ingredients. And if you are not typically beet lover, I am pretty sure this salad is going to surprise you, in a positive way 😊

1 small Beetroot, cooked

½ Avocado

½ Mozzarella

½ Mandarin


Olive oil

Lemon juice

Salt and pepper

Micro greens

Cut the peeled beetroot in quarters and arrange on the plate.

With a sharp knife, cut off peel and white pith from mandarins. Carefully segment the mandarins by slicing between the membrane and the fruit. Cut mozzarella into quarters and arrange over beetroot. Peel avocado, slice and marinate with some lemon juice. Toast some pistachios and sprinkle all over, season with salt and pepper. Drizzle little bit of olive oil and decorate with different micro greens.


-Croatian version-

Kraljica zime, za mnoge ne baš omiljeno povrće iako je iznimno zdravo. Može se pripremati na bezbroj načina…juha, salata, kruh, tjestenina, njoki, sok, dipovi….

Moj prijedlog za danas je – malo zemljanog okusa cikle, slatkoće mandarina, kremoznosti avokada, neutralnosti sira i hrskavosti tostiranih pistacija. Jednostavno, a elegantno i rafinirano. I to samo s nekoliko sastojaka. Čak i ako niste do sada bili obožavatelj cikle, vjerujem da će ova salata poljuljati vaše gastro osjećaje 😊.

1 manja cikla

½ avokado

½ mandarine

½ mozzarella kugle


Maslinovo ulje

Sok limuna

Sol i papar

Mikro bilje

Ciklu skuhati, oguliti i narezati na polumjesece ili veće komade. S oštrim nožem ogulite koru i bijelu opnu na mandarinama te filetirajte. Narezati mozzarellu na veće komade. Oguliti avokado, narezati na ploške i pokapati s limunovim sokom da ne potamni. Sve zajedno po želji posložiti na tanjur, začiniti sa soli, paprom i maslinovim uljem. Posuti malo tostiranih pistacija te ukrasiti mikro biljem.

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