Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily

Cracklings….the most greasy memories of my childhood/Čvarci…najmasnija sjećanja moga djetinjstva

Pork Cracklings….winter…every single human being in Slavonia is dreaming about it…..Slavonia’s brown Gold….snack….finger food…. when it start to crunch between your teeth, you roll your eyes in delight….you eat with one hand, with the other hand you stroke your belly …yum!


And yes, it is one of many childhood recipes that you are going to find here, every winter my Mom was baking them…Pork Cracklings Scones.


I really do not know anyone in my hometown that do not adore those beauties and do not have the most greasy memories about them…with first snowflake Pork Cracklings are coming at the table.


O yes, you want recipe. Well, I did not use the scale. I will write all ingredients approximately. Are you addicted of mixing up the dough? Then you understand me…..all other ‘’wanna be me’’…follow instructions…and just give a try.

500 g flour

20g fresh yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt, freshly ground black pepper

40g butter

250-280 ml warm milk

1 egg

And how much of pork cracklings? Well…as much as you manage to separate from your mouth (2-3 handfuls….I know, it is hard, but you can do it).

Blend pork cracklings in a blender to homogenous mass.


Let’s do it:

Crumble yeast with sugar, 1 tbsp flour and little bit of warm milk, mix it and leave it to be activated. In the meantime, mix the rest of milk with butter and let the butter melt. In a large bowl put the rest of flour, salt, egg, activated yeast and milk with butter. Knead into smooth dough (maybe you will not need the whole amount of milk with butter) and leave it in a warm place to rise for 1 1/2 hour.


Roll out the dough into a rectangle and spread pork cracklings mass over one half of dough. On another half put some freshly ground black pepper.


Fold and again roll out the dough and repeat with pork cracklings mass and freshly ground black pepper so long as you have pork cracklings (I did it 4 times).


After the last overlaps, press the dough slightly with rolling pin and leave it in a warm place to rest one and half hour.


Most of the time I am cutting round scones, but really delicious is to bake all the rest of the dough, just put them on the tray with round scones.


Well, this time I rolled the dough into a tube did cut it in a form of wheel approximately 1,5 cm thick.


Leave it one more time in a warm place to rise, one-one and a half hours. Smear mixture of egg yolk and milk at the top of scones and put decent amount of freshly ground black pepper.


Bake them at 180 degrees in a pre-heated oven until they get a nice color (approximetly 20 min, depends on oven).

I served these elegant wheels with a cup of cappuccino. And for all those who do not know what is the main ingredient of those beauties, I would not say a word…until they taste them….


and until they become addicted….and so long they do not care that they eat the most famous delicacy Slavonia’s…..pure pork fat!


Cleverly packaged in a solarium brown color with slightly visible remains of meat. And of course, this pork fat has no calories, because you are not supposed to count calories in cold days. So, pork fat is in the category zero-calorie value from 1.11 until 1.3. ! Keep eating them!


Bon appetit!

– Croatian version-

Čvarci….taj masni objekt zimskih snova….smeđe zlato Slavonije….grickalica….finger food….kad počne krckat među zubima, a oči kolutaju od užitka….desnom rukom jedeš, a lijevom gladiš trbuh…ufff.


Ovo je jedan od mnogih recepata iz moga djetinjstva koji će se naći ovdje. Moja mama ih je pekla svake godine.


S prvim hladnim danima mljeli su se čvarci, mijesilo tijesto, a kuća je mirisala na svježe i domaće. I ne znam nikoga u Slavoniji tko ne voli pogačice sa čvarcima.

Pa idemo po recept. Ovako, nisam ništa vagala pa ću otprilike napisati. Svi ovisnici o miješenju tijesta razumjet će…a svi oni koji bi to željeli postati neka po uputama pokušaju. Čvarke samljeti u blenderu.


500 g brašna

20g svježeg kvasca i malo šećera

Žličica soli i biber (crni krupno mljeveni) po potrebi

40g maslaca

250-280 ml mlakog mlijeka

1 jaje

Čvaraka…hm..koliko odvojite od usta prije pečenja (2-3 pune šake..možeš ti to!)

E pa idemo na posao:

U manju šalicu izmrviti kvasac i razmutiti s malo šećera i mlakog mlijeka te ostaviti da se digne. U međuvremenu ostatak mlijeka pomiješati s maslacem i ostaviti da se maslac otopi. U posudu staviti brašno, sol, jaje, dignuti kvasac te uz mlijeko s maslacem umijesiti malo mekše tijesto (možda nećete trebati cijelu količinu mlijeka). Prekriti drugom posudom ili prianjajućom folijom i krpom te pustiti da se diže na toplom mjestu dok se smjesa ne udvostruči.


Potom razvaljati tijesto te jednu polovinu namazati čvarcima (prethodno samljevenih u blenderu). Drugu polovinu tijesta posuti krupno mljevenim crnim biberom. Tijesto preklopiti i razvaljati.


Ponoviti postupak sa smjesom od čvaraka i biberom te preklapanjem dok ne potrošite cijelu smjesu od čvaraka. Ostaviti da se tijesto diže na toplom sat i pol.


Najčešće se rade klasične okrugle pogačice, pri čemu treba ispeći i sve ostatke od tijesta jer je to najslađe za grickati.


Pogačice još jednom ostaviti da se dižu na toplom, sat i pol. Potom ih premazati razmućenim žumanjkom s malo mlijeka te posuti krupno mljevenim biberom i staviti peći na 180 C dok ne poprime lijepu boju (20-tak minuta).


Dio tijesta razvaljala sam u kvadrat te zarolala i sjekla u kotačiće debljine 1,5 cm.


Ostaviti da se dignu, premazati žumanjkom s mlijekom i posuti krupno mljevenim biberom. Peći na 180C do 20-tak minuta.


Ove elegantne pužiće od čvaraka servirala sam uz capuccino. I za sve one koji ne znaju o čemu se radi ne bih otkrila sastojke…dok ne probaju..


.i ne postanu ovisni…i dok im ne postane svejedno što jedu najpoznatiju slasticu Slavonije…čistu svinjsku mast ♥!


Lukavo zapakiranu u solarij smeđu boju, djelomično prošaranu ostacima mesa. Koja,naravno, nema kalorija, jer zimi se kalorije ne broje. Pa je tako i svinjska mast u kategoriji nulte kalorijske vrijednosti od 1.11 do 1.3.


U slast!

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