Feeding Art

Cook, eat, dream, play.....Foodstory by Inga&Lily

Just Chillin on Bavarian Way/Kad Bavarci ”zamezu”

I am 3,5 years in Munich, Bavaria, and chillin with bavarian delicacies is something special to me. I love it and enjoy it every time like it is the first time! And they told me that Germans cannot relax and sit in the Biergarten for hours and enjoy good food…well they did not visit Munich I guess…

“Brotzeit” is in Bavaria the snack time between 10-12 A.M. It is like a second Breakfast when Bavarians enjoy their favorite delicacies. I will tell you a story about some of those Bavarian specialties.

At first, well known Bavarian pretzels. Unique in its color and taste thanks to a mixture of soda bicarbonate and water. You just need to put pretzels in this mixture few seconds and then simple bake them. Before baking they are sprinkled with coarse salt. And the most delicious are still warm with just a little bit of butter.


The rustic Bavarian Bread, one of a kind only in Bavaria, made from rye flour and sourdough mildly spiced with cumin.

Radish, Bavarian cheese spread Obatzda, liver spread with fresh chives, pork fat with fritted onion and apples, different sausages (in the picture is landjäger sausage), smoked ham, white sausages with sweet mustard, Bavarian blue mould cheese, pickled cucumbers.


Bavarians are particularly proud of their white sausages with sweet mustard. These sausages are typical for Bavaria. Sausages are served in hot water with fresh parsley. Leave the sausages in previously boiled water for about 8-10 minutes, but reduce temperature on minimum or turn off the heat. And very important, if you want to feel like a real Bavarian, do not eat white sausages with knife and fork. In a traditional way they are supposed to be eaten with hand. First, each end of sausage is cut or bitten open, than the meat is sucked out from the skin. If you think it is too kinky way of eating sausages you can simply cut the sausage lengthwise and then roll out the meat from the skin with the fork….And I am telling you, they are the most erotic sausages I ever ate!


And how I am eating them..well…see you in a Biergarten 🙂

Must have with white sausages are Bavarian pretzels and Bavarian white beer.


Obatzda, traditional Bavarian cheese spread is made from only few ingredients in a very short time. Camembert oder Brie and cottage cheese, paprika powder, butter, salt, pepper and cumin.


For a real Bavarian taste you can add some bier, but in this case you are supposed to eat Obatzda in a short time. For a stronger flavor of Obatzda use more mature Camembert cheese. Some people love creamy Obatzda, and in this case add some milk or bier and mix it with a mixer. I love more compact mixture with little chunks of cheese and I make it with hand, therefore I can use ice spoon to create really nice ball of Obatzda. Anyway, do not forget to decorate with generous amount of red onion and some salt sticks.


In this article I was mentioning many but not all delicious dishes that are apart of Bavarian Brotzeit snack, so the next time you visit Munich, straight away to the ‘Biergarten’ with you order: Brotzeitbrett bitte! Believe me, you are not going to be sorry…

Guten Appetit!

-Croatian version-

Već sam 3,5 godine u Munchenu (Bavarska) i ”zameziti” na bavarski način za mene je pravi užitak. Uživam kao da mi je prvi put :). Kada se samo sjetim kako su me uvjeravali da su Nijemci hladni i ne znaju uživati u hrani, satima sjedeći u Biergartenu s bavarskom platom i kriglom pive…..e, da…izgleda da nisu posjetili Munchen….

”Brotzeit” je u Bavarskoj najčešće vrijeme između 10-12 sati kada se uživa u pravim bavarskim specijalitetima, nešto kao drugi doručak. Nekoliko je sastojaka koji obavezno moraju biti na toj plati, a u nastavku vam donosim priču o nekoliko njih…

Poznate bavarske perece, jedinstvene u svojoj boji i okusu zahvaljujući smjesi natrona i vode kojom se premazuju prije pečenja (ili se jednostavno na par sekundi urone u pripremljenu tekućinu). Posute su krupnom soli i najukusnije su još tople uz malo maslaca.


Seljački, bavarski kruh, također neizostavni dio tradicionalne bavarske plate. Kruh koji je karakterističan upravo za Bavarsku priprema se od raženog brašna i kiselog tijesta, blago je aromatiziran kimom.

Plata bez rotkvice i poznatog bavarskog sirnog namaza Obatzda nikako ne ide. Uz to namaz od jetrice posut svježim vlascem, svinjska mast sa fritiranim crvenim lukom i jabukama, landjäger kobasice, schwarzwälder šunka, bijele kobasice uz slatki senf, bavaria blue sir (sir s plijesni), kiseli krastavci.


Posebna priča za Bavarce su bijele kobasice koje se obavezno serviraju uz slatki senf. Kobasice se na stol donose u toploj vodi uz dodatak svježeg peršina. Ne smiju se kuhati jer bi se u protivnom raspuknule, već se ostave u proključaloj vodi na vrlo niskoj temperaturi ili potpuno isključenoj plati određeno vrijeme (8-10 minuta). A za sve one koji su se u Bavarskoj udomaćili znaju da se bavarske bijele kobasice nikako ne jedu vilicom i nožem, jednostavno se rukama uzme kobasica i cuclanjem se iz kožice izvuče meso. Ali, ukoliko vam je ovaj način previše erotičan za javno mjesto kao što je bavarski Biergarten, kobasicu jednostavno po dužini prepolovite i vilicom odvojite meso od kožice.


A kako ja jedem bijele..he he….vidimo se u Biergartenu 🙂

Uz bijele kobasice neizostavno idu bavarske perece i bavarsko bijelo pivo.


Obatzda, tradicionalni bavarski sirni namaz bez kojega je bavarska plata nezamisliva. Od samo nekoliko sastojaka u kratkom vremenu nastaje ovaj specijalitet. Sir Camembert ili Brie, svježi sir, paprika u prahu, maslac, sol, biber i po želji kim.


Za pravi bavarski okus dodaje se i pivo, ali u tom slučaju Obatzda nema duži rok trajanja. Ako se želi postići laganiji okus Obatzde, treba koristiti tzv. mlađi Camembert sir. Netko voli kremastiju, mekanu Obatzdu te bi je tada trebalo uz malo više tekućine (mlijeka ili piva) napraviti uz pomoć miksera. Ja preferiram kompaktniju, da se vide i osjete komadići sira i kako bi se sa žlicom za sladoled oblikovala lijepa polukugla. U tom slučaju najbolje je sve sastojke sjediniti rukom bez dodatka tekućine. Obavezna dekoracija: crveni luk i dva-tri slana štapića.


Na bavarskoj plati može se naći još nekoliko slasnih jela, u ovoj priči odlučila sam upravo o ovima nešto napisati…pa kada vas put nanese u München, neizostavno u bavarski Biergarten i obavezno naručite bavarsku platu ili Brotzeitbrett…nećete požaliti.

Guten Appetit!

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