300g flour (150g type 00 + 150g whole grain white)
200g lukewarm water
100g active starter (I fed it before 3 times in 1 ½ days after 9 days in fridge)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp turmeric (ground)
Mix flour and water with wooden spoon and leave to rest 30 minutes (autolyse). Add turmeric, starter and salt and mix together (shortly). Cover and rest it for 30 minutes. Perform fold and stretch (5 times) with resting 30 minutes after every fold and stretch.
After 5th fold and stretch, cover and rest for 2 hours at the room temperature. Make 4 balls and leave them in the fridge over the night. Using butcher’s string, shape pumpkin (see photo)
and color using turmeric with some water (for yellow color) and Matcha tea with some water (for green color).
Preheat the oven at 240 C (after 15 minutes turn temp. down at 220C). I baked them in pot and bake covered for first 15 minutes. After 20 minutes, remove the top and bake further for about 30-35 minutes (depends on oven).
-Croatian version-
300g brašna (150g tip 00 + 150g punozrnog bijelog)
200g mlake vode
100g aktivnog startera (ja sam ga 3 puta hranila nakon 9 dana u hladnjaku i onda koristila)
1 čajna žlica soli
1 čajna žlica mljevenog turmerika
Pomiješati brašno i vodu kuhačom i ostaviti da stoji prekriveno pola sata (autoliza). Dodati turmeric, starter i sol te rukama sjediniti. Prekriti i ostaviti da stoji pola sata. Potom fold & strech (5 puta) s odmorima od 30minuta. Zatim 2 sata prekriveno na sobnoj temperaturi, formirati 4 loptice, ostaviti u hladnjaku tijekom noći. Ujutro pomoću konca za pečenje formirati tikvice, pofarbati žutom (turmetic u prahu s malo vode) i tamno zelenom bojom (prah matcha čaja s malo vode). Peći u prethodno zagrijanoj pećnici na 240 C (nakon 15 minuta smanjiti na 220), ovisi o pećnici.Ja sam pekla u loncu u pećnici, nakon 20minuta sam nastavila peći bez poklopca. Ukupno oko 30-35 minuta.