
Tomatenmousse mit Basilikumpesto/Mousse od rajčica s pestom od bosiljka

Zutaten für Tomatanmousse: 100g Tomaten (ohne Haut, ohne Kerne), gewürfelt 40g Tomatenmark 50g Ketchup 35ml Gemüsebrühe 100g Sahne, steif geschlagen 3 Gelatineblätter Salz und Pfeffer Für den Basilikumpesto: 50g Basilikumblätter 50ml Olivenöl 40g Pinienkerne 40g Parmesan, gerieben 25g Knoblauch Für die Garnitur: Blattsalate nach Belieben Silikonform Halbkugel (ᴓ 8cm) oder kleine, runde Kaffeetassen gut einfetten. […]


Omelette with salmon and spinach/Omlet s lososom i špinatom

Ingredients: 4 egg whites Smoked salmon Spinach (fresh) Cherry tomatoes (different colors) Coarse ground pepper Deco: Sprouts, cherry tomatoes Wash tomatoes and cut to 1/6. Wash spinach and cut in wide stripes as well as smoked salmon. Melt the butter in omelette pan and cook shortly tomatoes and spinach. After approximately minute and a half […]


Melonen-Mix Obstsalat/Voćna salata od dinje i lubenice

Melonen-Mix Salat….für alle die das Obst als Dessert bevorzugen…. Zutaten: ½ Piel de Sapo Melone ½ Galia Melone ½ Cantaloupe Melone ½ Honig Melone Stück Wassermelone Minzblätter, 2-3 Erdbeere… Werkzeug für Obst schnitzen, Kugeln formen… -Kroatische version- Voćna salata od dinje i lubenice….za sve ljubitelje malo zdravijih recepata… Sastojci: ½ Piel de Sapo dinje ½ […]


Schichtsalat im Glas/Salata u čaši

Für 4 Gläser: 500g mini Tomaten (mix rot,gelb und grün) 100g mini Paprika (mix rot,gelb und orangefarbene ) 200g mini Mozzarella 4 Scheiben Ziegenkäse 8 Scheiben Speck Einige Salatblätter Dressing: 2 EL Weißweinessig 2 EL Olivenöl Salz und Pfeffer Tomaten waschen und halbieren, die Paprika in Streifen schneiden, mini Mozzarella halbieren, Salatblätter waschen und alles […]


Asparagus-Melon-Ham Salad/Salata sa šparogama, dinjom i šunkom

It is like springtime is inspiration for my sister Lily…she made second delicous and very attractive salad with asparagus and fruits…enjoy this asparagus season and stay fit and healthy 🙂 All you need: Asparagus, green Mix green salad Melon Prosciutto Crudo ham Parmesan cheese Raspberries Raspberries Vinaigrette Just make them work together: Peel green asparagus (only […]


Asparagus-Strawberries Salad/Salata sa šparogama i jagodama

Springtime…colors and smell of healthy dish…this delicious salad with fruits and asparagus, fruit vinaigrette and sprouts call for more…take a bite with me… Ingredients: Asparagus, green and white Melon Strawberries Goat’s cheese in rings Honey and thyme Fruit vinaigrette (orange-lemon) Peel green asparagus (only ¼) and cut hart lower part. Boil shortly in water with […]


Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce/Šparoge s Hollandaise umakom

This warm, satiny emulsion called hollandaise sauce, which is poured over the top of al dente cooked Asparagus is perfectly match with simply boiled small potatoes with little bit of olive oil and parsley. It’s often thought that silky hollandaise is something complicated, but it’s actually incredibly simple to make at home. Ingredients: Potatoes, small […]


Asparagus – Salmon Quiche /Quiche od šparoga i lososa

It is finally Asparagus time! We love them and use them for all different dishes. This time we did enjoy salads, classic hollandaise, pizza, baked asparagus and how you can see, delicous Asparagus-Salmon Quiche…let’s see how my sister made quiche… Tart dough – classic: 250g flour 170g butter 1 egg 1 egg yolk Salt Or you can […]